Blayney Electrical Services

ABN 66 137 896 541 Lic 218050C

Our Vision:

Our vision is to keep both our clients and employees connected to the future by embracing new technology, products and business methods. We will continually update our methods and practices as we strive to be the best-in-class distributor of electrical products and services. Our employees will be given the training they need to provide the services you require.

Our Guarantee:

BES is confident in our ability to provide the service you want. To this end we offer you our 5-piece guarantee.

We will only use high quality materials.
We will always use best-practice techniques.
We will always provide an efficient, quality and friendly service.
We will arrive on time every time, or let you know in advance if we are delayed.
We will always leave the work area as we found it, clean and tidy.
